An online class was organised on Neutral Career Option for class XI and XII by DHSE Odisha on 18 Jan 2025
A department seminar was organised by the Department of Zoology on 18 January 2025
On the eve of republic day an inter college patriotic song competition was held in our college on Fifteen January 2025
A debate competition was held on the eve of National Voters Day 2025
Inauguration of Self Defence Training Program on 10 Jan 2025
A meeting was held with the members of Board of Governance on 09 Jan 2025 to discuss on PM USHA
A meeting on PM USHA was held with the PM-USHA committee members on 09 Jan 2025
Various competitions were held during 17th to 24th Dec for the celebration of Veer Bal Divas 2024
A National Seminar was organised on the topic -"Constitution of India and Its Eternal Relevence " by the Dept of Political Science on 26th Nov 2024. Prof Sujit Pruseth Prof Santanu Sar and Sj Paramananda Mishra were the resource person
All the staffs and students are taking oath on the constitution day on 26 Nov 2024
Various competitions were held for the celebration of Constitution Day on 25 Nov 2024
Awarness campaign on popularisation of the citizen interface portal for Vikshit Odisha 2036 or Vikshit Bharat 2047 was organised on 20 Nov 2024
World Philosophy Day was celebrated in the college which was organised by the Department of Philosophy on 21 Nov 2024
Obervation of National Legal Service Day in the college premises with the collaboration of District Legal Service Authority Angul on dated 09/11/24.
A Departemental Seminar organised by Dept of Education on the topic Development of Education in Odisha (11/11/2024).
Innaguration of the Cold Water Purifier in the college Hostel by Honourable MLA Angul Sj Pratap Chandra Pradhan on 04/11/2024.
A departmental seminar was organised by Dept. of Psychology on 29/10/24.
A departmental seminar was organised on the topic Tagor s Concept of Man by The Dept Of Philosophy on 30th Oct 2024.
Observation of Vigilance Awarness Program in our College on 28th Oct 2024 with the theme on Culture of Integrity for Nation s Prosperity. Respected Principal sir all faculties & students took integrity pledge to build corruptionfree India.
A seminar was held on 4th Oct 2024 of Economics department in Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya Angul The title of the seminar was Agricultural credit in lndia Principal of the college Sri H K Sahu and other staff members were present in the seminar The secretary of the seminar miss Payal Pradhan and Asha muduli of UG final year were gave the seminar talk The H O D Economics Sri A N Sahoo faculty member Sri Deepak Das have discussed about the topic A Question answer round was also done Vote of thanks was given by Miss Brahmotri sahuUG final year
A camp was organized on 3rd Sep 2024 for the opening of adhar seeding in Indian Postal Payment Bank for post matric scholarship it was held for the students of +3 first year and +2 first year
A camp was organized on 3rd Sep 2024 for the opening of adhar seeding in Indian Postal Payment Bank for post matric scholarship it was held for the students of +3 first year and +2 first year
Seminar Philosophy Department held on 29th Aug 2024
AMM Angul observed The National Soprts Day with a vibrant array of Sports activities on college campus on 29th August 2024
Meeting for Dissemination of Accelerated plan elimination of LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS programme was conducted on 14 Aug 2024 by District Health Department Angul Tripple drug therapy has been successfully implemented
AGNIVEER TRANING AND AWARENESS PROGRAMME on AGNIVEER Recruitment was organized at AMM on 8th Aug 2024 in connection with the centres AGNIVEER VAYU scheme for Induction of Eligible Youths into the INDIAN AIR FORCE ARMY NAVY During the programme students were falicitated with Prizeses for actively participating in different competitions and Question answer round
As a part of World Breast Feeding Week the Rotary Club Angul organized a breast feeding awareness programme on 08th Aug 2024 Doctors gave talks on importance of breast feeding for first six months and explain about the lower risk of women for breast cancer and many diseases
An inter college patriotic song competition was conducted at AMM on 8th Aug 2024 The event Aimed to Foster a sense of NATIONAL PRIDE AND UNITY among students through Music
On 30th July 2024 Honourable Principal Staff Members and students of AMM Angul Welcomed the KAUSHAL RATH The ADM Angul Mr Pratap Pritimaya Sir Graced to the Occasion and encouraged the gathering The KAUSHAL RATH Buses Equipped with Computers Tools Facilities and Certified Trainers Travelled across different districts It achieved the goals by providing Skill Training in a verity of Course Modules including digital Financial Literacy Retail and Entrepreneurial Skills
All staff members with the students of AMM WELCOMED THE GOOD WILL CHARIOT ON 26th July 2024 AS a token of reverence on the occasion of 128th BIRTH DAY of the celebrated Freedom Fighter Late MALATI CHOUDHURY
On 6th July 2024 the 75th Tree plantation week MAA PAI N GACHA TIEA programme was successfully organized in AMM campus under the NSS to create awareness regarding The climate change and its adverse effect on us
Under Mo College of our college organised a seminar on Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with Creative Techno College Angul
An Induction Meeting was organised by Youth Red Cross unit of Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Angul, on 18/11/23 in room no 28 Both +2 and +3 YRC volunteers remained present in the meeting.The Principal counselors addressed the volunteers on the History of Red Cross Movement worldwide in India n Odisha too and its objectives focussing on the role of these young volunteers as the members
All the staff members and students of our college took pledge on the eve of Vigilance awarness day on 30th Oct 2023 at 11am
On the eve of voters list enrollment and correction day organized by the district administration on the direction of Election Commission of India an awareness and pathostav programme was held on 28 th October 2023 .Our students and staff also participated
Putting the Shot Put
Discus Throw event
All the above competition was held from 10/10/23 to 13/10/23 as per the instruction of higher education Odisha
Badminton match in our college
Carrom competition in our college
Kabadi competition held in our college
Kabadi competitiom held in our college
A meeting was organised on 9th October 2023 in our college at 11am to celebrate the recent victory of Indian Mens Hockey Team They clinched their 4th Asian Games Title and the meeting inspired the spirit of sportsmanship and fervor of hockey in the hearts of students and staff members The Principal also talked to the students on the importance and influence of hockey as the national game of India
A meeting was organised on 9th October 2023 in our college at 11am to celebrate the recent victory of Indian Mens Hockey Team. They clinched their 4th Asian Games Title and the meeting inspired the spirit of sportsmanship and fervor of hockey in the hearts of students and staff members The Principal also talked to the students on the importance and influence of hockey as the national game of India
Swachha Bharat programme by our students and staff on 1st October
Swachha Bharat programme by our students and staff on 1st October
Swachha Bharat programme by our students and staff on 1st October
The Youth Redcross Volunteers of AMM, Angul participated in the District Level Drama Competition as named "Abhivyakti - Red Show"on HIV/AIDS during the Youth Fest 2023 -- 2024 organised by District Health Authority on 25/8/23 at Sabhaghar, Angul. & secured consolation prize
Distribution of Filariasis tablets among the college students by the District hospital personnel on 22/8/23 as per the government guidelines
Youth Redcross unit of Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya organized an awareness programme on Mass Drug Administration for elimination of lymphatic Filariasis on 7/8/23,11 AM at college premises.
Staff members with the winners, along with the teachers of different school n college. Inter college song competition on the eve of Independence day
As per the instruction of district administration Angul inter college patriotic song competition organized in our college on 4 08 2023 on the eve of Independence day 2023
As per instruction of DHSE,an Induction meeting organised on 01.08.2023 for +2 1st year Arts Science students admitted during the academis session 2023 -2024 in Angul mahila Higher Secondary School Angul
Sushree Simran Sahoo,+3 3rd year Arts of our college secured the 2nd position in All Odisha Essay Competition organized by Odisha Science Academy, BBSR on 13 th Feb 2023.
Received the prize from the esteemed Principal Niraja Mam on10/4/23.
Itismita Das +3 2nd year Science participated in the Y20 Debate competition on 22/3/23 organized by Govt (Auto)college, Angul,as per the order of HE - NSS wing, University and secured 2 nd position Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction :Making sustainability a way of life.
Workshop organized by Education department on preparation of Teaching - Learning Material(TLM) +3 3rd year students are preparing the same on 10/2/23 in the department.
A Seminar was organised by the department of Odia on 20.01.2023 in Room No-28 under the Chairpersonship of Smt. Niraja Sahu, Principal of the Institution Mrs.Kamala Satpathy awardee of Kendriya Sahitya Academy as Chief Speaker, Sri. H.K.Sahu, Reader in Math as the Guest of honour.
The topic of Seminar was ODIA KHUDRA GALPA RA BIKAS DHARA seminar paper was presented by Miss Sarita Sahu, LIpa Pradhan Sonalika Mishra and Maheswata Behera of +3 2nd year Arts.
The Meeting was ended with a vote of Thanks to the chair.
Closing ceremony of SDTP organized at AMHSS, Angul today.District Sports Officer Sjt Akshyaya ku Setha n Inspector, Physical Education Sjt Prashant ku Sinha graced occasion.
State monitoring team headed by Sri Siba Shankar pradhan,Joint Director, DHSE, Odisha visited our institution today 19/1/23.
Watched the live performance of participants, made interaction with students and verified the necessary documents related to SDTP.
Self Defence Training Programme(SDTP)inaugurated by the esteemed Principal Smt Niraja Sahu on 11/1/23 at AMM, Angul.
Participation of Youth Red Cross(YRC)volunteers of AMM Angul in the inter college Quiz and painting competition on HIV & AIDS organized by District Health Administration Angul with District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit(DAPCU) Angul at Angul Government Autonomous College on the eve of National Youth Day on 12/1/23.
Ms Jasmita Pradhan secured 1st position in quiz competition and Ms Abhipsa Biswal stood 2nd in Painting competition
Ms Sradha Das stood 1st in Essay competition and 3rd in Debate competition as held by the training center on 7/1/23 & received the prize from the dignitaries on 8/1/23(Valedictory ceremony ).
Participation of YRC volunteers of Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya in the District Level Youth Red Cross Study cum Training Camp organized by Gadtal Regional H. S. School Angul from 6/1/2023 to 8/1/2023
They were escorted by YRC councellors Dr S. S. Mohapatra & Smt Nandini Nanda AMM Angul.
Department of Mathematics organized a seminar on09/12/2022 in the topic C++.
Department of Botany organized a seminar on 07/12/2022. The chief speaker Dr. Avimonyu Das Department of Botany Government Autonomous College Angul delivered a valuable talk.
Department of psychology organized one day seminar on Mental health challenges in present scenario on 07/12/2022
A state level physics seminar meeting was organised by Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya Angul on Wednesday the 30 th Nov 2022 in our college premises with Principal Smt Niraja Sahu Reader in Philosophy in chair Dr Sunil Kumar Tripathy prof in physics IGIT Sarang the chief guest of the day Mr Dillip Kumar Mohapatra H.O.D Physics Subodha ku Sahu organising secretary with staff and students of Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Abhipsa Biswal, +3 2nd year Science Zool. Hons receiving Prize winner in inter college competion on POSTER ON HOCKEY in the valediction function on 15.12.2022 at RDW University.
Participation of our students in various events of Rahagiri organized by our district administration. It was a grand success
A seminar was organized by department of zoology on 22/11/22 .The expert for the seminar was Asistant prof Nrusingha Bahera Department of zoology Angul Govt Autonomous College Angul
A seminar on the topic A radical change in agricultural system during 1960s & modernization of Indias agriculture was organised by the department of Economics on 06.12.2022 Sri H K Sahu, principal In Charge was inaugurating the seminar.Sri A.N.Sahoo Reader & H.O.D in economics Sri Dipak Das lecturer in economics have elaborately discussed in the topic.H.O.Ds & lecturer in different department also present as guest of honour.students are presented their seminar paper &vote of thanks was also given by the senior student.
A seminar was held on the topic Vitamin A and its deficiency in Department of Home Science in the presence of the Principal HOD teachers staff members and students on 10.12.22
Successfully registered more than 150 voters on spot through Voter Helpline App
Sub collector Angul highly appreciated the efforts made by the faculty members of the college for large no of students enrollment in the voter list on 7th December 2022
Special Camp for Enrollment of prospective n young voters through VOTER HELPLINE APP
in presence of ERO Cum SubCollector at GOVT. WOMENs COLLEGE ANGUL.
Students of Angul Mahila Mahavixyala are receiving prizes during a function organized by the NALCO Vigilance department Angul on 9th November 2022
A seminar on Human rights day 10 December was organized by the department of political science. prof.Hrusikesh sahu head of the department of mathematics preside the seminar .Chief speaker on this occasion was Government Pleader of Angul District Court and renowned social activist Sri Paramnananda Mishra
Department of Political Science organized a seminar on 26.11.2022 on the occasion of Constitution Day.Professor Chakradhar Sahu former head of the Department. Of Political Science graced the occasion as Resource Person.
A Seminar on "Absurdity as a literary trend in 20 th century Theatre "was organised by department of English, Angul Mahila Mahavidya, ANGUL on 5/12/22 in presence of the resources persons,
Prof. Bibhuti Bhushan Mohapatra former principal and HOD department of English, AMM Angul, SRI Hrushikesh Sahu, Reader in Mathematics and the faculty members.
Students and faculty members are taking oath on the 73rd Constitution Day 26 11.2022
Students and faculty members are taking oath on the 73rd Constitution Day 26 11.2022
Students and faculty members are taking oath on the 73rd Constitution Day 26 11.2022
Ms Jyostna Pradhan,+3 3rd yr Arts, played the role of Bharat Mata.
Observation of AIDS DAY in AMM, Angul, (1/12/2022) n participation of RRC volunteers in AIDS awareness rally organized by OSACS, Angul.
Integrity pledge taken by our students and staff members on 2/11/22 on the eve of observing vigilance awareness week in Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
Integrity pledge taken by our students and staff members on 2/11/22 on the eve of observing vigilance awareness week in Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
Miss Jasmita pradhan,+3 3rd yr Arts(YRC volunteer )secured 3rd position in the state level Quiz competition organised by OSACS at Bhubaneswar on 4/11/22.
A voluntary blood donation camp was organized in our college campus jointly by NSS, Red cross ?, MO college and Jeevan Bindu. It was a grand success. Our students donated 31 units of blood. Two of our staff members also donated blood
Both of the camp was inaugurated by Honourable Deputy speaker Odisha Legislative Assembly and Honourable Chairman Angul Municipality.
A free eye check up camp was also organized jointly by NSS,Red cross ? and marbadi Samaja .It was a grand success with more than 200 eye check up.
Quiz competition on AIDS awareness Dt 15/09/22
A webinar was organized by MO college abhijan. Our students and faculty members’ activity participated in the webinar on climate in collaboration of the odia society in California San Jose
Awarness programme :- Aadhar Link With Voter List
Students are receiving prizes at the district level observance of Azadi ka Amrut Mahostav on 14th August-2022
Prajapita Brahmakumari institution is observing Raksha Bandhan in the college with students and teachers on 10th August 2022
Jasmita Pradhan,+3 2nd Year Arts stood 1st in quiz & Srutirekha Acharya, +3 1st Year Science 2nd in debate competition the occasion of observation of Inter National Youth Day -2022.
Angul Mahila Mahavidyalaya, in collaboration with Azadi ka Amrut Mohastav Committee of Angul district is organising a series of activity like elocution quiz and painting competitions from 8th August.
Principal, Mo College coordinator, Teacher’s & students were present in the meeting.
Angul Mahila (Degree) Mahavidyalaya, Angul organized a meeting of Mo College working committee on 30.07 2022 under Mo College Abhijan. Mr Bajranglal Agarwal renowned entrepreneur and social activist who is a member of the committee was the speaker at the meeting. Prizes were given away to the successful students of different competitions by the guests. Principal, Alumni’s, coordinator, faculties’ students were present.
Glorious moment for our institution as our student Miss Puja Parida has won the Gold Medal in 10000 meter walking event in the 68th state athletic meet 2022.
District sports officer Sj A k Setha and an eminent educationist,Brahmapur University Dr B C Garnaik graced the occasion.
Closing ceremony of self defence training programme is going at Angul Mahila HSS.
With a heavy heart and tearful eyes we bid adieu to our beloved friend and colleague Smt.Nirupama Dash Reader in English.She will always be cherished in our memories.A sad goodbye .
Inauguration day of self defence programme on 29/03/2022 in our college campus
World water day was observed in our campus in co ordination with SPANDAN an NGO working for the youth on 22.03.2022.
A sensitisation program on Tobacco free campus was organized in our campus by District mission directorate under department of health and family welfare Government of Odisha.
It was coordinated by our Yuva sanskar team.
A sensitisation program on Tobacco free campus was organized in our campus by District mission directorate under department of health and family welfare Government of Odisha.
It was coordinated by our Yuva sanskar team.
A sensitisation program on Tobacco free campus was organized in our campus by District mission directorate under department of health and family welfare Government of Odisha.
It was coordinated by our Yuva sanskar team.
A sensitisation program on Tobacco free campus was organized in our campus by District mission directorate under department of health and family welfare Government of Odisha.
It was coordinated by our Yuva sanskar team.
Participation of our students in the youth parliament organised by NYK Angul. Our Principal is the Guest of honour
Participation of our students in the youth parliament organised by NYK Angul.
Our Principal is the Guest of honour
Participation of our students in the youth parliament organised by NYK Angul.
Our Principal is the Guest of honour
We are the first college in Angul dist to get the ROR from our honorable Collector and District Magistrate Angul.
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